February 1 — Measure 110: The Providers Speak
Measure 110, which made significant changes in how Oregon deals with substance abuse and its impact on the community, has been a topic of animated discussion in the run up to the 2024 Legislative Assembly session which begins in February. Previously, Springfield City Club has sponsored programs which feature a panel, including Chief Deputy Lane County District Attorney Chris Parisa who supported either legislative change to the measure or potentially another ballot initiative. More recently, we hosted Dr. Camille Cioffi, who took no position on the measure and its scheme but discussed the data available to analyze the impact of the measure. This third program on the topic will feature a panel of providers who can describe the impact which the changes has had on the services they provide. Our guests will include Stephanie Cameron CRM II, CADC II, Founder/ Executive Director, Restored Connections Peer Center and Brittiny Raine, E.D. of Community Engagement) at Community Outreach through Radical Empowerment (CORE).
Services to deal with substance abuse are, under Measure 110, fund by grants of marijuana tax money to participants in Behavioral Health Resource Networks. Recent audits have raised questions about the distribution of these grants and the extent to which they have actually funded substance abuse recovery activities.